Former Representative George Santos, known for his tall tales and controversial behavior, made a surprising return to Congress on Thursday night, ahead of President Biden’s State of the Union address. Despite being expelled from Congress in December, Santos took advantage of his lifetime floor privileges as a former member and mingled with current representatives on the House floor.
Dressed in a flashy crystal-encrusted collar, Santos was greeted warmly by some of his former colleagues, including Representatives Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, and Marjorie Taylor Greene. Even those who had publicly criticized him in the past stopped to chat and take pictures with him.
Santos, who is facing federal fraud charges, has been trying to stay in the spotlight by monetizing his fame on the video app Cameo. His planned return to Congress was kept secret until the last minute, with Santos hinting at causing a stir but ultimately behaving himself during the event.
While some members, like Boebert, joked about their spontaneity in behavior, Santos eventually moved to the back of the chamber before President Biden’s speech began. Despite his controversial past, Santos managed to make a memorable comeback to the political scene, holding court and mingling with his former colleagues once again.