U.S. Diplomat Warns Orban’s Actions Threaten Hungary’s Ally Status


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Title: U.S. Ambassador Warns Hungary’s NATO Membership at Risk Due to Close Ties with Russia

In a bold and unprecedented move, U.S. Ambassador to Budapest, David Pressman, has issued a stark warning to Hungary, stating that Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s close relationship with Russia is jeopardizing the country’s position as a trusted NATO ally. The warning comes amidst escalating tensions between Hungary and its NATO allies, with concerns over Hungary’s alignment with President Vladimir Putin of Russia and its anti-American rhetoric in state-controlled media.

Ambassador Pressman’s remarks, delivered in a speech marking the 25th anniversary of Hungary’s admission to NATO, highlighted the growing rift between Hungary and its allies. He criticized Hungary for its stance on the war in Ukraine, accusing the Orban government of siding with Russia and advocating for policies that undermine European security.

The ambassador also raised concerns about Hungary’s refusal to fulfill its obligations as a NATO member, citing instances such as the government’s refusal to issue license plates for American soldiers based in Hungary. These actions, according to Pressman, reflect a broader trend of Hungary isolating itself from its allies and treating the United States as an adversary.

The speech comes in the wake of Prime Minister Orban’s visit to former President Donald Trump in Florida, where Orban claimed that Trump had outlined a plan to end the war in Ukraine that aligns with Hungary’s own policy proposals. Ambassador Pressman dismissed these claims as a form of capitulation and reiterated the importance of collective security interests among NATO allies.

While Hungary’s ties with the U.S. and European capitals have deteriorated, the country has strengthened its relations with authoritarian regimes like Russia, Belarus, China, and Iran. This shift in alliances has raised concerns about Hungary’s commitment to NATO’s values and security objectives.

Despite calls from some Baltic States for Hungary to be expelled from NATO, Ambassador Pressman stopped short of advocating for such a drastic measure. However, he emphasized the need for Hungary to address the legitimate security concerns shared by its allies and to refrain from policies that undermine regional stability.

As Hungary navigates its complex relationships with Russia and the West, the future of its NATO membership remains uncertain. Ambassador Pressman’s warning serves as a stark reminder of the challenges facing Hungary as it balances its alliances and security interests on the global stage.

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