In the age of high-definition screens and advanced technology, the debate around remastering movies has reached a fever pitch. Dan Best, the general manager at Park Road Post, acknowledges the changing landscape of viewing platforms and the need for films to be enhanced for these new standards.
Traditional home video releases, once suitable for tube TVs and 1080p video, are now being scrutinized in the era of OLED screens and 4K smart TVs. Restorations need to meet increasingly high standards to satisfy modern audiences.
However, not everyone is pleased with the results of these remastered films. Chris Burdick, who has faced criticism since his work on “Titanic,” understands that it’s impossible to please everyone. Some viewers are disappointed that beloved films like “Aliens,” “True Lies,” and “The Abyss” no longer look like they did in the VHS or DVD eras.
“People love these movies, which I think is great,” Burdick said. “But when the movie suddenly doesn’t look like they remember it looking, they get upset. What can you do?”
Adding to the controversy is the use of artificial intelligence in the remastering process. Some dissenters are unhappy that A.I. is being used to alter the appearance of these films. However, Burdick clarifies that the use of A.I. is not as drastic as some may think.
“People hear ‘A.I.’ and they think of crazy, unrealistic effects,” Burdick explained. “But we’re using software to carefully improve the quality of these films, not drastically alter them.”
As technology continues to evolve, the debate around remastering movies is likely to persist. While some may resist change, others appreciate the opportunity to experience their favorite films in a new and improved light.