Title: Couple Transforms Quirky Manhattan Duplex into Spacious Family Home
Sandra Davis and Bruce Levine embarked on a renovation journey that transformed their cramped and dark garden-level duplex in Manhattan into a spacious 2,500-square-foot family home where their entire family could gather.
After nearly a decade of putting off major construction due to various commitments, the couple seized the opportunity to purchase an adjacent triplex and combine the two spaces. With the help of architect Alexandra Barker, they reimagined the layout of the apartments, creating a seamless flow from the street to the backyard.
The renovation not only addressed the quirks of the original apartment but also infused the home with a new sense of style. Bold choices like deep blues and greens, terrazzo flooring, wallpaper murals, and wood paneling added character and charm to the space.
Despite the challenges of the renovation process, which cost about $1.2 million and took over a year to complete, the couple is thrilled with the results. The new home has already proven to be a welcoming space for their large family, with everyone coming together to celebrate holidays and create lasting memories.
The transformation of their Manhattan duplex serves as a testament to the power of vision, perseverance, and collaboration in turning a dated space into a modern and functional home that truly reflects the personalities and values of its owners.