Title: New Bar, Jazz Lounge, and Restaurant “Only Love Strangers” Set to Open in Manhattan
In a unique fusion of dining and entertainment, the team behind the popular Chinese restaurant franchise MáLà Project is gearing up to open a new establishment in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Named “Only Love Strangers,” this bar, jazz lounge, and restaurant promises to be a dreamy and sophisticated addition to the neighborhood.
The idea for Only Love Strangers was born during a casual post-shift gathering of the MáLà Project team, where they envisioned a space that would be approachable yet elegant. Co-founder Christian Castillo shared, “We’re all a bit romantic, so we thought incorporating live jazz would add that dreamy touch.”
The interiors of Only Love Strangers are described as retro-futuristic, with a color palette reminiscent of the 1960s and ’70s surrealism. The main dining room will feature a Mediterranean menu with mezzes and seafood towers, all served under a custom mobile by Brooklyn artist Max Simon. The adjacent barroom will boast floor-to-ceiling cobalt tile, matching blue ceilings, and banquettes upholstered in a vintage textile.
Guests can expect a unique cocktail menu inspired by categories of jazz music, such as the Acid cocktail made with lemon vodka, anise liqueur, basil, and citrus. Additionally, the 55-seat jazz lounge on the lower level will host nightly performers, adding to the overall ambiance of the space.
Only Love Strangers is set to open its doors on April 13, offering a one-of-a-kind experience that combines dining, live music, and a retro-futuristic atmosphere. For more information, visit onlylovestrangers.com.