Renowned Danish chef Frederik Bille Brahe has recently reimagined and revitalized the Apollo Bar & Kantine in Copenhagen, transforming it into a vibrant meeting place for art, design, and fashion enthusiasts. Initially feeling overwhelmed by the cafe’s success and his managerial responsibilities, Bille Brahe decided to refocus on his gastronomic ambitions and elevate the dining experience at the Apollo.
The new Apollo, which reopened in late February, now offers a refined dinner menu alongside seasonal lunch dishes. The interior has been updated to create a more grown-up atmosphere, attracting a diverse crowd of guests. Bille Brahe, along with his executive chef Yuta Kurahashi, served a family-style dinner to friends, family, and collaborators, featuring dishes like redfish sashimi, globe artichokes stuffed with kale cream, and a unique dessert of hollowed-out lemons filled with sorbet.
Accompanying the delicious meal was a natural Chenin Blanc wine from the Loire region, selected by Bille Brahe for its herbal expression that complemented the umami flavors of the dishes. The intimate dining room at the Apollo features a bright red bar, a long banquette, and a symbolic painted tapestry by artist Alexander Tovborg.
The evening was filled with lively conversation, reminiscing about good times at the old Apollo and celebrating the transformation of the space. Bille Brahe’s philosophy of generosity as a host shone through, as he emphasized the importance of providing the best ingredients and creating a welcoming atmosphere for guests.
Overall, the new Apollo Bar & Kantine under Frederik Bille Brahe’s direction promises to be a must-visit destination for those seeking a unique and elevated dining experience in the heart of Copenhagen.