AI-generated porn, including fake celebrity nudes, continues to be sold on Etsy as regulations on deepfakes fall behind


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Title: Etsy Continues to Host Sellers of Deepfake Pornographic Images Despite Cleanup Efforts

Etsy, the popular online retailer known for hand-made and vintage products, is facing scrutiny for hosting sellers of “deepfake” pornographic images of celebrities and random women. Despite the company’s efforts to clean up the site, the proliferation of sexually explicit images generated by artificial intelligence (AI) has shocked many experts.

Computer scientist Siwei Lyu expressed disbelief at the presence of such content on a platform like Etsy, noting that explicit content is more commonly found on other portals like Twitter. However, a simple search on Etsy for terms like “ai nude” or “deepfake porn” yielded over 1,000 results each, highlighting the prevalence of such content on the site.

The issue extends to the sale of AI-generated images of celebrities like Margot Robbie and Ariana Grande, with some listings featuring explicit content. Despite efforts to remove these listings after inquiries from Fox News Digital, some images had already been purchased and downloaded.

Experts like Blake Klinkner and Andrew W. Torrance emphasized the challenges in regulating AI-generated content, as laws often lag behind the rapid development of technology. The No AI FRAUD Act, introduced in Congress, aims to penalize users who create harmful generative AI images.

Etsy has taken steps to remove accounts selling explicit deepfake content, but the availability of such images on the platform remains a concern. The company’s policies prohibit pornography but allow some nude images for artistic purposes, leading to a gray area in content moderation.

As the issue of deepfake pornographic images continues to evolve, experts stress the importance of updating laws to address the modern challenges posed by AI technology. The intersection of technology, privacy rights, and free speech presents complex legal and ethical considerations in the digital age.

In conclusion, the presence of deepfake pornographic images on Etsy highlights the ongoing struggle to regulate AI-generated content and protect individuals from the harmful effects of manipulated images. As technology advances, the need for updated laws and enforcement mechanisms becomes increasingly urgent to safeguard against the misuse of AI in creating explicit content.

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