The story of Ben Stern, a Holocaust survivor who fought against a Nazi rally in Skokie, Illinois, in 1977, is one of resilience and determination in the face of hate.
Stern, who had survived nine concentration camps during World War II, was outraged when he learned that a group of Nazis planned to hold a rally in his predominantly Jewish hometown. He became an activist, organizing a campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of allowing such a demonstration to take place.
Despite facing death threats and buying a gun for protection, Stern continued to speak out against the rally. He wrote letters to newspapers, appeared on TV shows, and organized petitions to show that the presence of Nazis in full uniform and shouting antisemitic slogans should not be protected under the First Amendment.
Although the legal battle ultimately reached the United States Supreme Court, which ruled in favor of the Nazis’ right to display swastikas at the rally, Stern’s efforts were not in vain. The Nazi group ultimately moved the event to Chicago, avoiding a counterdemonstration that Stern helped plan, which was expected to draw 50,000 people.
Stern’s story of standing up against hate and bigotry continues to inspire others. He passed away at the age of 102, leaving behind a legacy of courage and resilience. His daughter, Charlene Stern, produced a documentary about his life titled “Near Normal Man,” which showcases his unwavering commitment to fighting against injustice.
In a time when hate speech and extremism are on the rise, Stern’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right and never backing down in the face of adversity.