
45 Years Later: A Zombie Love Affair That Endures

Title: George A. Romero's "Dawn of the Dead" Celebrates 45th Anniversary with Revival Screenings George A. Romero, the legendary filmmaker known for his iconic zombie...

Publisher of O.J. Simpson’s Book Reflects on the Interview Where He Allegedly Confessed to Murder

The Shocking Confession of O.J. Simpson: A Look Back at the Infamous Book and Interview In 1995, O.J. Simpson pleaded not guilty to the murders...

New Movies Our Critics Are Buzzing About: ‘Civil War’ and ‘Sasquatch Sunset’

In a near-future America torn apart by civil war, Alex Garland's latest film "Civil War" takes viewers on a harrowing journey through a divided...

Literary Events in New York City: The Most Sought-After Tickets

Title: The Changing Landscape of Literary Readings in New York City In a city known for its vibrant literary scene, the way New Yorkers attend...

