There are small injustices and their are large injustices. And then there are companies that know they are in the wrong and decide to double down. That’s precisely what happened with Gaimin. A couple of days ago Patrol Crypto had done a story about Zeus, a 90% blind man and little known NFT artist, who was robbed of almost all of the airdrop he qualified for. This meant that he could not get the surgery so desperately needed to save his eyesight. And while Gaimin prepares for a second round of airdrops with more than enough tokens to make it right their response was “We don’t care”.
After the story broke out and started spreading, justifiably exposing corporate malfeasance no moral person could stand behind, their stance changed. Instead of “we don’t care” it changed to “we changed the rules after it was too late to follow them”. That’s right, acknowledging that they had shafted Zeus and many others they retroactively applied a rule that if you claimed the inaccurate amount you could not get the funds for the full amount owed and promised.
I tried reasoning with them in their Discord. I explained that if an employer pays you less than you are owed and you cash the check because there is no acknowledgement of how long resolution will take, the employer is still liable to pay the rest of the money. The employer cannot just say “since you cashed the check you won’t get paid your full hours”. That would make no sense. But what Gaimin did was even worse because they only made the rule after everyone effected had claimed what they could for the time being as any logical person would.
The conversation went in circles with them unable to justify a shred of morality behind changing the rules but insisting that there was nothing they could do while I reminded them they were sitting on more than enough tokens to make it right so could do something. Instead they want to use those for a second round of airdrops leaving thousands of people without the tokens they were promised and leaving Zeus without the funds for his surgery to save his eyesight. Funds he rightfully earned and that they promised to pay.
One would think it would be bad enough to stand behind something so atrocious no moral person would even try and in fact they didn’t try. Even they couldn’t argue that it was right or moral to do so. Instead they just deflected to “this is what we decided after the fact because this is what’s easy for us so screw the little people”. And as the Patrol Crypto article pointed out they were banking on nobody standing up for the little person. But I did and that threw them off guard. Apparently enough to take things even further, dig the hole a little deeper. They cloned his Twitter account and started taunting him with it.
That’s right Gaimin, a company that wants to be taken seriously, literally robbed a blind man then cloned his Twitter and taunted him with it. And all of the proof is in the picture above. You will see the cloned account of Zeus posting a screenshot with myself, NFT Demon. That would hardly be evidence of Gaimin cloning the account if it weren’t for the full picture, which I have also attached from my side and as you’ll see the time stamps are entirely different of when the message was sent. But what you will also see is that the message comes from a private Gaimin Discord support ticket something only myself and Gaimin would have access to.
Because only myself and Gaimin had access to it and because I have posted my side which clearly has a different time stamp than the side cloning and taunting Zeus, it serves as irrefutable proof that the account that cloned and taunted Zeus was Gaimin. Nobody would have had access to that screenshot. It is this complete and utter lack of morality and professionalism that is why we don’t have mass adoption. And it is the people who don’t stand up against it who are most at fault. Because evil corporations always have existed and always will. Corporations that will rob the little guy thinking no one will care are a dime a dozen. But in other industries they get called out. In Web3 we just let it go and they face no reprecussions whatsoever showing the outside world that all we are is a bunch of degenerates with no standards, no morality, and no accountability. And all we ever do is prove them right by ignoring the companies like Gaimin.
If we truly want mass adoption and we want larger bags we have to show the outside world that we are capable of holding actors in our space accountable to the same standards in every other space. That we will call out the scammers not reward them. And it starts with Gaimin. Because you can’t get much worse than literally robbing from the blind then cloning their account to mock them with. And in this case there is no dispute that’s what Gaimin did.