Renowned former Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter has made a bold move into the world of retail with the opening of Air Mail Newsstand in Manhattan’s West Village. Carter, known for his keen eye for readers, believes that this part of the city is filled with book lovers and magazine enthusiasts.
The new shop, an extension of the digital newsletter Air Mail, offers a curated selection of books, high-end magazines, and unique novelties that cater to a sophisticated audience. From brass shoehorns to palm-tree-patterned lampshades, the merchandise is designed to appeal to the urbane crowd that frequents the West Village.
Carter sees the connection between publishing and retail as a natural evolution, citing other brands like Monocle and Highsnobiety that have successfully integrated both aspects. He believes that providing readers with access to the products and items featured in the newsletter enhances the overall experience.
Designed by architect Basil Walter, Air Mail Newsstand exudes a sense of elegance with honey-oak floors and brass finishings. The shop’s selection of CBD-infused elixirs and other goods is carefully curated based on personal preferences and recommendations.
While some may find it surprising for a digital publication to open a physical newsstand-style shop, Carter remains undaunted. He expresses a love for print and hints at the possibility of future print versions of the newsletter or other publications.
As he sits in the shop, surrounded by carefully selected books and magazines, Carter muses about the balance between work and retirement. Despite his faux regret about not playing golf, it’s clear that his passion for publishing and retail continues to drive him forward. With Air Mail Newsstand, Carter has once again proven his ability to spot a reader in a crowd and cater to their interests with style and sophistication.