Theda Hammel’s latest film “Stress Positions” takes viewers on a journey through the chaotic world of summer 2020, where characters grapple with personal and societal challenges in the midst of a global pandemic. The film follows Karla, a transgender massage therapist in New York, as she navigates the complexities of white gay male privilege and strained relationships with her friends.
As the story unfolds, we meet Terry, Karla’s best friend, who finds himself in lockdown with his soon-to-be ex-husband Leo and a colorful cast of characters in their brownstone. The arrival of Terry’s nephew Bahlul, a Moroccan fashion model with a broken leg and a mysterious notebook, adds another layer of intrigue to the narrative.
Through sharp dialogue and expressive filmmaking, “Stress Positions” delves into themes of identity, privilege, and the blurred lines between fact and fiction. The film challenges the audience to confront their own biases and assumptions, while also capturing the surreal and chaotic nature of the times we live in.
With a talented cast led by Theda Hammel and John Early, “Stress Positions” is a thought-provoking and visually stunning exploration of the human experience. Don’t miss this captivating film, now playing in theaters.