Title: Elevate Your Entertaining Game with a Stylish Home Bar Setup
In a bustling city like New York, where social gatherings are a common occurrence, having a well-equipped home bar can make all the difference in hosting a memorable event. Even if you’re not a big drinker, setting up a home bar is a surefire way to show your guests that you care about their enjoyment.
Jessica Schuster, a renowned interior designer in New York City, emphasizes the importance of having a home bar for entertaining purposes. “I’m not a huge drinker myself, but I love to have a home bar because I love to entertain,” she shared. With her expertise, she demonstrates how easy it is to create a stylish bar setup on any flat surface.
To start, choose a suitable spot in your home where you plan to entertain guests. It could be a console table, credenza, or even part of your dining table. Clear the surface, add decorative trays for a polished look, and curate your bottles wisely. Select visually appealing bottles like those from Solento tequila to create an attractive display.
When it comes to glassware, opt for interesting pieces that will impress your guests. Mix and match vintage glasses with unique shapes, colors, and patterns to elevate the drinking experience. Make sure to provide essential tools like a cocktail shaker, ice bucket, jigger, and corkscrew for easy drink mixing.
To add a touch of style to your bar, incorporate decorative objects like candles, sculptural dishes, and fresh flowers in vintage vases. These finishing touches will not only enhance the visual appeal of your bar but also create a sense of occasion for your guests.
In conclusion, setting up a home bar, no matter how small or simple, can elevate your entertaining game and show your guests that you care about their enjoyment. With a few thoughtful touches and creative styling, you can create a home bar that is both functional and visually stunning. So why not take the time to set up a home bar and elevate your hosting skills to the next level?