The Reason We Can’t Seem to Slow Down


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Are We Rushing Through Life? A Reflection on the Obsession with Being Done

In a world where hustle and productivity are celebrated, are we rushing through life without truly experiencing it? A simple radio news segment about delays on the Long Island Rail Road sparked a deep reflection for one individual and their friend.

The reporter’s concluding line, “These commuters are ready for this day to be over, once and for all,” struck a chord with the pair. It made them question whether they, too, were constantly rushing towards the end of each day, without fully appreciating the present moment.

The idea of constantly wanting to be done with things, of treating life like an endless to-do list, is a common phenomenon. Even in moments of joy and relaxation, there can be a nagging desire to move on to the next thing, without fully savoring the current experience.

Marie Howe’s poem “Hurry” further emphasizes this point, as she reflects on the urge to rush through life, urging a child to hurry along with her. The poem raises the question: where are we hurrying to? Are we rushing towards our graves, without taking the time to truly live?

While the advice to slow down and be present is not new, it is often difficult to heed in a culture that values speed and efficiency. The pressure to constantly be productive and achieve more can lead to a sense of constant rushing, both physically and mentally.

Since their realization, the individual has been making a conscious effort to notice when they are rushing and ask themselves why. This pause allows them to create space between the present moment and the future, potentially preventing future feelings of discontent and rushing.

As we navigate our fast-paced world, perhaps it is worth taking a moment to pause, breathe, and truly experience the present moment. After all, life is not just about reaching the finish line, but about savoring the journey along the way.

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